Niro Granite The Matic Swatantra
In the days of the Ancient Mataram, one of the biggest kingdom in Nusantara, Swatantra is a symbol of independence through the master plan of sacred buildings made in their period. it is reminiscence of a connection between human, nature and god that creates sustainability, strength and wisdom. This collaboration is continuing the legacy of Iwan Tirta, we preserve a good deed of the maestro in delivering the sacred art through modern medium.
Category : The Matic
Name : Swatantra
Tagline : The Sacred Art of Swatantra
Application : Floor & Wall
Size : 60x60cm
Surface : Matt
D0042 Kawung Cakra Ningrat White
D0043 Kawung Cakra Ningrat Beige
D0050 Kawung Cakra Ningrat Grey
D0044 Mandala Cakra Ningrat White
Note :
- Unrestricted Price & Stock Item
- Customer Service, Working Hour (08:00 - 16:00 WIB)